A.S.I.S.T. Members Area

Useful links and resources for young people.


Click on the link to find out more about each of these different opportunities:

Make It Your Own – Impact Arts

Are you a care leaver aged 16-26 preparing to enter into your own tenancy – or perhaps you have done so within the last year? Receive £150 to spend on home improvements in these 1-1 sessions exploring interior design. This course is run by our pals over at Impact Arts.


Yardworks is an international hub of Graffiti, Street Art & Design. The gathering has been taking place at SWG3 in the West End of Glasgow, since 2016.

They’ve been asked to install a series of new pieces throughout Govan, and they want to get young people involved. It’ll be a chance to learn new creative skills and get your ideas across, as you work alongside some of the UK’s best street artists to help to design a new series of art works.

To get involved email Laura Frood: laura@swg3.tv


A.S.I.S.T. Noticeboard

What lives on the ASIST noticeboard? Whatever we want!

if you have something you want to pin up here, just let Siobhanne know by emailing siobhanne.beattie@themungofoundation.org.uk



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