
Supporting young people to independence.


ASIST is a city-wide Outreach Housing Support Service for young people 16-25-year olds who are care experienced or homeless. Our approach allows you to determine the kind of support you need to achieve independent living. Whether you need a hand with day to day practical things, or just want to talk to someone about how you are feeling, we’re here for you. When you are ready, we will support you to secure, manage and keep your own tenancy and help you get involved within your local community.

The ASIST team will offer you flexible one-to-one support to help you build confidence, raise your aspirations, and support your health and wellbeing. Our service also works with you to create structure through positive opportunities, and access to further education and employment prospects.

We’re all different – what works for one person won’t work for everyone. We’ll listen to you, to find out more about what works for you and help you make plans to achieve your own goals. ASIST uses the Better Futures Outcome Tool which allows you to plan and track your own journey and progress. Our aim is to empower you, so that you can feel more confident in the choices that you make moving forward.

How To Get Involved

In order to access A.S.I.S.T. you’ll need to talk to a Care Manager in your Local Authority first. They can help you to complete a referral application form. After that we’ll arrange to meet with you to find out more about what you’re looking for, and whether or not we’re able to help. If you’re having issues getting hold of a Care Manager, contact us using the details on this page.

3 Ways We Can Help

Accessing New Opportunities

We can help you get access to jobs / educational opportunities.

Help with day to day life skills

We can help you access a tenancy, and support you with budgeting, cooking and housekeeping.

Developing healthy routines

Healthy routines and habits are important; we can help you set routines that work for you.


Park Lane House
47 Broad Street
Suite 314/315
G40 2QW

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