Update from Tricia Donnelly, CEO – Read more

Community Support Services

Supporting adults with learning disabilities to build friendships and overcome challenges.


Based out of Barrowfield Community Centre, the team at C.S.S. support people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities to get the most out of life. C.S.S. is a friendly, caring environment where people build friendships and overcome challenges. The group look out for each other, and work closely with the staff to plan activities based on their interests. We also run short breaks throughout the year and offer people support within their homes.

Community Activities

Where other care providers are only able to offer Monday – Friday support, we can be flexible in terms of what works for you. Whether it’s music and movement in the daytime or trips to the theatre in the evening, we’re always on the lookout for things to do within the community. The group use the Chit Chat wall to let us know what appeals to them, and we use that to inform our Monthly Planner. The group also make the most of their base at Barrowfield for gardening, learning cooking skills and doing arts and crafts.  

Short Breaks

Short breaks provide an opportunity for people to travel, experience new things and make lasting friendships. It also gives carers a break from their caring responsibilities, safe in the knowledge that their loved one is having a good time. We take groups all over the UK, and can support individuals to travel further afield budget permitting. Recent breaks have included trips to Belfast, watching wrestling in Blackpool and a spa weekend on the Isle of Mull. 

Housing Support

Alongside community opportunities, we can also support you with day to day household activities. This could be support to visit the opticians, do the shopping, manage your finances, or maybe you’d like someone to go for a coffee with? Offering both housing support and community activities gives continuity to those we support – it’s a chance to see a familiar friendly face both out and about and at home.  

How to Get Involved

If you would like to access support from C.S.S. for yourself or someone else, please contact Project Manager Eileen Thomson. The project offers support to adults with disabilities who are referred by  – and funded by – the Local Authority. However, we also accept self-referrals, where individuals are able to fund their own support, or utilise a Direct payment.  


67 Yates Street
G31 4AE

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